Wednesday, July 21, 2010

We can both talk pretty, no?

If you have the slightest inclination to learn a language that isn't native to you, or you've tried and have experienced the pitfalls, you must read Me Talk Pretty One Day. There are moments in this book that literally make me laugh no matter where I am reading — the library, the bus, a restaurant..

As anyone who has tried to acclimate themself to a new language and customs knows, making an ass out of yourself frequently is to be expected, and Sedaris isn't an exception. It's nice to read about moments that I feel are so connected to my own experiences with French and to find that my blunders are not entirely unique!

I get unbelievably flustered when I'm asked a question in a foreign language class — my face looks like Molly Ringwald's hair — and stutter about until I am able to give some half-formed answer. On multiple occasions I have been targeted (at least that's what it feels like..) in French class and unable, of course, to think. I give part of my response in French and what I don't know in French will accidentally come out in Spanish. Needless to say, the only B on my transcript from last semester was in French!

Till next time..
Au revoir, amigos!

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